Monica Zuñiga, a friar from Lima, Peru, has found in storytelling an opportunity for encounter and apostolate.

She tells us a little about how this interest arose and what it means to her: “Ever since I was a child I have loved stories. I have always admired those who have the gift of creating them. Not long ago I discovered that I have a gift that goes hand in hand with the creation of stories and that is to be able to tell them, to bring them to life through my words and to be the door through which those who listen to me can enter that unique world of stories, legends, mythology and learn from their ancient wisdom. I am a storyteller.

As I tell more and more stories I discover their magical and eternal power. As I observe the looks of my listeners I discover that through stories I can touch their hearts. Stories are able to cross the barriers of time and give the storyteller the ability to share the values, teachings and dreams of the communities from which they emerged, no matter where they come from, stories share elements that make them universal and deeply human. It is for this reason that they are an effective and innovative means of evangelization. Stories offer a mirror in which adults can reflect on their own lives and experiences.

At the end of my training at the School of Oral Narrative (ENO), our teacher, the renowned François Vallaeys, reminded us that stories are not meant to put children to sleep, but to awaken adults. By rekindling the imagination, encouraging reflection and offering timeless life lessons, stories have been, are and will be an invaluable source of inspiration and personal growth for people of all ages. Long live stories!”.

You can follow her here.

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