The members of the Marian Community of Reconciliation would like to confirm that, as was recently made public, we have been informed that Pope Francis has decided to suppress our community, along with the other institutions founded by Luis Fernando Figari, having deemed that they have no charism.

While painful, we accept this decision of the Holy Father in a spirit of total docility and filial obedience. We also wish to express our willingness to fully collaborate with the commissary appointed for this purpose, Msgr. Jordi Bertomeu Farnós, and we completely disassociate ourselves from any public expression of opposition to the Holy Father, his decision or his delegates. We also understand that, although we had already institutionally disassociated ourselves from the Sodalit Family in July 2022, this decision of the Holy Father legally ratifies our definitive separation from all its institutions.

We also wish to express our compassion and solidarity with the pain of all the people who have been affected over the years by the sectarian system and the abusive practices that were reproduced within our community. We offer our willingness to cooperate, as directed, with the process of reparation and justice for all victims, and we commit to remembering them in our prayers.

We thank our heavenly Father for having called us to follow Him and for having allowed us to serve in many different places and in such a variety of ways over the years. To our families, friends and the many people with whom we share the mission, we want to express that we have been deeply enriched by your testimony of faith, service, and fidelity to the Church. We are immensely grateful for your constant expressions of affection, solidarity and for your prayers that have always accompanied us. Despite the pain we feel today, we trust in the Lord and in Holy Mother Church, that they will protect and foster the vocation of each and every one of us. 

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