Suppression of the Marian Community of Reconciliation
The members of the Marian Community of Reconciliation would like to confirm that, as was recently made public, we have been informed that Pope Francis has decided to suppress our community, along with the other institutions founded by Luis Fernando Figari, having deemed that they have no charism. Read more…
Following the Holy Father’s decision to suppress the Marian Community of Reconciliation and the appointment of Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu-Farnós as Apostolic Commissary, the channel of denunciations that we had instituted in the year 2024 has been closed.
The Commissary will create a new instance to manage the processes of listening and reparation. The Community remains committed to the care and reparation of the victims and expresses its total disposition to respond, as the Commissary indicates, to this process of reparation in justice and charity.
The Fraterna Vocation

Consecrated women

Evangelizing in the midst of the world

Living in community
Like the first disciples, we walk together in faith, hope and love, living as sisters under the protection of our Mother Mary and in a spirit of family, thus discovering the gift of joy that the Lord has given us.
Serving the Universal Church
Our Name
It is a blessing to have the Mother of God present in our name. Who better than she to guide us in our path of consecration? By responding to the invitation that Jesus makes to us from the Cross, “Behold, your mother!” (Jn 19: 27) we receive our mother Mary into our lives and communities. We place our vocation in her hands, trusting in her intercession and maternal love, and we want to follow her loving example at the Annunciation and at the foot of the Cross.

Community life is an important part of the Fraterna vocation. It is where we learn to love as the Lord has loved us and where we share with joy and simplicity our daily lives and mission. We strive to be a support for each other, and we want our lives and apostolic actions, with their blessings as well as their difficulties, to bear witness to authentic community.

of Reconciliation
In union with the mystery of the Cross, we gratefully welcome the gift of reconciliation that Christ, in healing the wounds of humanity, has won for us. We want to bear witness to this gift and invite others to welcome it, and in this way to be instruments of the merciful love of God who makes all things new.

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