Safe Environment

Following the Holy Father’s decision to suppress the Marian Community of Reconciliation and the appointment of Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu-Farnós as Apostolic Commissary, the channel of denunciations that we had instituted in the year 2024 has been closed. 

The Commissary will create a new instance to manage the processes of listening and reparation. The Community remains committed to the care and reparation of the victims and expresses its total disposition to respond, as the Commissary indicates, to this process of reparation in justice and charity.  

The members of the Marian Community of Reconciliation commit ourselves to care for all individuals, especially minors, vulnerable adults, and adults in situations of vulnerability. Moved by the love of Christ that urges us on (2 Cor 5:14), we want to accompany those whom God places in our path, in their joys and hopes, in their grief and anxieties, with profound respect for each of them, for whom Christ shed His blood. This conviction leads us to our commitment to build safe environments so that our work of evangelization takes place in a context that provides protection and that contributes to the positive development and growth of the people we serve.

As a matter of institutional policy, all fraternas, employees and volunteers of our projects undergo initial and follow-up training on the prevention, reporting and appropriate response to child sexual abuse through the VIRTUS platform

If you are in imminent danger or know someone who is, contact local authorities. If you have been a victim or witness of a crime, report it to local authorities. If the individuals involved are members of the clergy or officials or employees of the Church, also contact the Safe Environment office in your diocese. To contact the Safe Environment offices of the Dioceses where the Fraternas live, click here.

If you have something to report about a member of the MCR, the community has a reporting channel managed by the Safe Environment Coordinator. Reports can be submitted via email: [email protected] or by conventional mail: Avenida Sáenz Peña, 251, 15063, Lima – Peru. Recipient: Safe Environment Coordinator.

The accusation can be made by the affected person or by a third party. In all cases, strict confidentiality will be maintained regarding the information and those involved.

If the accusation is against the Superior General, it will be directly forwarded to the ordinary of Lima. If it is against the Safe Environment Coordinator, the report must be made directly to the Superior General ([email protected]).

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