For the Fraternas, formation is a progressive path of growth in the love of Christ. It is both an integral and lifelong process. Over time and under the guiding action of the Spirit, every Fraterna assimilates Christ’s feelings for the Father so as to be able to make a sacrificial gift of herself to God and at the service of the Gospel, in accordance with the spirit and end of our Community.
Formation in the MCR is a four-stage process:
a. Aspirancy: Prior to admission to the MCR. Those in this stage are called Aspirants.
b. Probation: This stage begins with admission to the MCR. Those who are in this stage are called Fraternas in Formation.
c. Temporary profession: This stage begins when the Fraterna makes a Temporary Profession of her commitments, and she becomes incorporated into the Society. Those who are in this stage are called Temporary Professed.
d. Permanent formation: This stage begins with when the Fraterna makes her Perpetual Profession of her commitments. Those who are in this stage are called Perpetually Professed and are members of full right.

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